Wednesday 15th - Thursday 16th March 2023 - 9:30am - 2:30pm Live AEDT (Sydney/Melbourne/Canberra)
(Recorded sessions sent to you the following Monday for convenience)
(Recorded sessions sent to you the following Monday for convenience)
- Multiple examples on how to ‘Meet’ the National Quality Framework Element
- Examples on how to ‘Exceed’ the National Quality Framework Element
- This course is designed specifically for Outside School Hours Care/Out of School Hours
- Detailed tasks to help you to achieve the above.
- $180 for the 2-days.
QUALITY AREA 1 – Program and Practice:
- We cover the 7 Quality Area in the National Quality Framework; Early Childhood Development; Theorists; Inclusion Support Plans; Reconciliation Action Plans; Embedding Indigenous Culture within the Program; Writing a Quality Improvement Plan
- We cover the below and so much more throughout the 2-day course to help support, train, and guide you.
- Paperwork, attachments, and focus sheets to support you and your team
- Coaching, training, and support for your Centre Co-ordinator
- Coaching and support for your Educational Leader
- Guiding Educators in daily practices
- Supporting Educators with transitions, daily routines, policies, and procedures for children
- Supporting and coaching Educators to meet all children’s developmental needs
- Supporting and coaching Educators in Program and Practice
- Supporting Educators with engaging with children and creating a language-rich environment
- Supporting Educators and their understanding of Program and Practice and Preparation for Assessment and Rating
- Supporting Educators with Embedding Indigenous Culture within the classroom
- Support with Meeting the National Quality Framework
- Support with Exceeding the National Quality Framework
- Discuss children’s voice and how to embed that within the program
- Communication with families regarding the program
- Support embedding inclusive practices and procedures within the centre
QUALITY AREA 2 – Children’s Health and Safety: - Bus checks, and bus policies
- indoor, and outdoor environment check
- Safety Paperwork
- Support with Learning Areas and Indoor and Outdoor Environments
- Training and Coaching for your Educators
- Health and safety practices
- Support managing illness and accident registers
- Support with risk assessments
- Support the team with mandatory reporting and child protection Policies and Procedures
- Review of menu and nutrition at the service
- Support on lunch-box policies if food brought from home during Vacation Care
- Supporting Educators to implement physical activity and experiences within the classroom and outdoors
- Support Educators on interactions with children, and supervision within the classroom and outdoor environment
- Support for Sun Safety policies and practices
- Incursions/Excursions
- Support for First Aid for Children
- Emergency Lock Down and Fire Drill practices
- Compliance
QUALITY AREA 3 – Physical Environment: - Environment
- Equipment and resources
- Safety Check
- Support ensuring that building, resources, and premises are in safe and working conditions
- Support with Risk Assessments
- Support with sustainable practices
- Support Embedding Inclusive Practices within the service
QUALITY AREA 4 – Staffing Arrangements: - Educator qualifications
- Roster
- Discussions implementing consistency of care
- Support and guiding celebrations of Educators skills and diverse cultural backgrounds
- Support guiding interactions with colleagues and Educators
- Support with position descriptions, understanding their roles, the Code of Ethics, and the National Quality Framework
- Attracting and maintaining consistent Educators for your team
- Building morale with Educators
QUALITY AREA 5 – Relationships with Children: - Support with relationships with children
- Support and guidance to help children to feel safe, secure, and supported
- Support and guidance to show respectful relationships with children
- Support with documentation of children’s learning
- Support and guidance for Educators comforting and supporting children’s strengths, interests, and needs
- Support and guidance for Educators to enable an understanding of the United Nations Rights of the Child
- Support and guidance for Educators further developing their understanding of encouraging children to engage in child-directed, spontaneous, and teacher-directed play and learning
- Support and guidance for Educators to encourage children to regulate their own emotions while encouraging children to feel safe, secure, and supported
QUALITY AREA 6 – Relationships with Families and Communities: - Support with tours for families
- Orientation for families
- Support gathering feedback from families
- Support guiding strong relationships with families
- Supporting children’s and family’s individual culture and background
- Support guiding Educators with family interactions
- Support guiding Educators to help children feel safe, secure, and supported
- Supporting the Centre Manager and Educators to build relationships within the local community
QUALITY AREA 7 – Governance and Leadership: - Support and Guidance writing a Centre Philosophy
- Support with the Quality Improvement Plan
- Educators Records
- Children’s records and how long records are to be kept
- Educational Leadership support, guidance, and records
- Responsible Person Log, and Educator sign in and out records
- Regulation 168 compliance and policy
- Regulation 173 – Prescribed information to be displayed
- Support with complaints and grievance procedures
- of Job Description
- Implementation of the Code of Ethics
- Understanding the National Quality Framework, the Early Years Learning Framework and the My Time Our Place Framework
- Induction of Educators at the service
- Educator input and feedback regarding the service
- Self-Assessment from Educators, families, and children
- Implementing and having a Reconciliation Plan
- Implementing a Support Inclusion Plan
- Professional Development for Educators
- Support with Individual Performance Plans for Educators
- Support with Individual Appraisals for Educators