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Weekly Tasks emailed to you! xo
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Weekly tasks delivered to you to help support the centre building Quality.
Receive discount on courses, and retreats.
This course is to support Outside School Hours Care and Out of School Hours Care Services
Services Provided:
Thank you for this! I am so excited to share this with our team!’ Cathy – Centre Manager, Toowoomba, QLD
‘Wow! This is exactly what we have been needing!’ – Sue – Centre Manager, Sydney, NSW
“Have already started to implement some of the tasks! Thank you!’ Rebecca – Centre Director, Port Adelaide, SA
‘We look forward to receiving your emails every week and completing the set tasks! So incredibly grateful!’ Centre Co-Ordinator, Kayleigh, Melbourne, VIC
'You have given me the confidence to be a Centre Manager. I have just started in my role, and I am super excited to be able to understand what I need to do to support my Centre and Team!' Centre Manager, Lauren, Brisbane, QLD
Thank you so much for all the hard work and effort you put into this course. I love receiving your emails on a Monday morning, Coordinator, Michelle, Sydney, NSW
QUALITY AREA 1 – Program and Practice:
QUALITY AREA 2 – Children’s Health and Safety:
QUALITY AREA 3 – Physical Environment:
QUALITY AREA 4 – Staffing Arrangements:
QUALITY AREA 5 – Relationships with Children:
QUALITY AREA 6 – Relationships with Families and Communities:
QUALITY AREA 7 – Governance and Leadership:
Weekly tasks delivered to you to help support the centre building Quality.
Receive discount on courses, and retreats.
This course is to support Outside School Hours Care and Out of School Hours Care Services
Services Provided:
- Weekly email:
- Detailing 1 National Quality Framework element per week
- Multiple examples on how to ‘Meet’ the National Quality Framework Element
- Examples on how to ‘Exceed’ the National Quality Framework Element
- Detailed tasks to help you to achieve the above
- We cover the 7 Quality Area in the National Quality Framework; Early Childhood Development; Theorists; Inclusion Support Plans; Reconciliation Action Plans; Embedding Indigenous Culture within the Program; Writing a Quality Improvement Plan
- We cover the below (after the Feedback we have received) and so much more throughout the year to help support, train, and guide you.
Thank you for this! I am so excited to share this with our team!’ Cathy – Centre Manager, Toowoomba, QLD
‘Wow! This is exactly what we have been needing!’ – Sue – Centre Manager, Sydney, NSW
“Have already started to implement some of the tasks! Thank you!’ Rebecca – Centre Director, Port Adelaide, SA
‘We look forward to receiving your emails every week and completing the set tasks! So incredibly grateful!’ Centre Co-Ordinator, Kayleigh, Melbourne, VIC
'You have given me the confidence to be a Centre Manager. I have just started in my role, and I am super excited to be able to understand what I need to do to support my Centre and Team!' Centre Manager, Lauren, Brisbane, QLD
Thank you so much for all the hard work and effort you put into this course. I love receiving your emails on a Monday morning, Coordinator, Michelle, Sydney, NSW
QUALITY AREA 1 – Program and Practice:
- Coaching, training, and support for your Coordinator
- Coaching and support for your Educational Leader
- Guiding Educators in daily practices
- Supporting Educators with transitions, daily routines, policies, and procedures for children
- Supporting and coaching Educators to meet all children’s developmental needs
- Supporting and coaching Educators in Program and Practice
- Supporting Educators with engaging with children and creating a language-rich environment
- Supporting Educators and their understanding of Program and Practice and Preparation for Assessment and Rating
- Supporting Educators with Embedding Indigenous Culture within the classroom
- Support with Meeting the National Quality Framework
- Support with Exceeding the National Quality Framework
- Discuss children’s voice and how to embed that within the program
- Communication with families regarding the program
- Support embedding inclusive practices and procedures within the centre
QUALITY AREA 2 – Children’s Health and Safety:
- Bus checks, bus policies
- Indoor, and outdoor environment check
- Safety Paperwork
- Support with Learning Areas and Indoor and Outdoor Environments
- Training and Coaching for your Educators
- Health and safety practices
- Support managing illness and accident registers
- Support with risk assessments
- Support the team with mandatory reporting and child protection Policies and Procedures
- Review of menu and nutrition at the service
- Support on lunch-box policies if food brought from home for Vacation Care
- Supporting Educators to implement physical activity and experiences within the classroom and outdoors
- Support Educators on interactions with children, and supervision within the classroom and outdoor environment
- Support for Sun Safety policies and practices
- Incursions/Excursions
- Support for First Aid for Children
- Emergency Lock Down and Fire Drill practices
- Compliance
QUALITY AREA 3 – Physical Environment:
- Environment
- Equipment and resources
- Safety Check
- Support ensuring that building, resources, and premises are in safe and working conditions
- Support with Risk Assessments
- Support with sustainable practices
- Support Embedding Inclusive Practices within the service
QUALITY AREA 4 – Staffing Arrangements:
- Educator qualifications
- Roster
- Discussions with Educators surrounding consistency of care
- Support and guiding celebrations of Educators skills and diverse cultural backgrounds
- Support guiding interactions with colleagues and Educators
- Support with position descriptions, understanding their roles, the Code of Ethics, and the National Quality Framework
- Attracting and maintaining consistent Educators for your team
- Building morale with Educators
QUALITY AREA 5 – Relationships with Children:
- Support with relationships with children
- Support and guidance to help children to feel safe, secure, and supported
- Support and guidance to show respectful relationships with children
- Support with documentation of children’s learning
- Support and guidance for Educators comforting and supporting children’s strengths, interests, and needs
- Support and guidance for Educators to enable an understanding of the United Nations Rights of the Child
- Support and guidance for Educators further developing their understanding of encouraging children to engage in child-directed, spontaneous, and teacher-directed play and learning
- Support and guidance for Educators to encourage children to regulate their own emotions while encouraging children to feel safe, secure, and supported
QUALITY AREA 6 – Relationships with Families and Communities:
- Support with tours for families
- Orientation for families
- Support gathering feedback from families
- Support guiding strong relationships with families
- Supporting children’s and family’s individual culture and background
- Support guiding Educators with family interactions
- Support guiding Educators to help children feel safe, secure, and supported
- Supporting the Coordinator and Educators to build relationships within the local community
QUALITY AREA 7 – Governance and Leadership:
- Support and Guidance writing a Centre Philosophy
- Support with the Quality Improvement Plan
- Educators Records
- Children’s records and how long records are to be kept
- Educational Leadership support, guidance, and records
- Responsible Person Log, and Educator sign in and out records
- Regulation 168 compliance and policy
- Regulation 173 – Prescribed information to be displayed
- Support with complaints and grievance procedures
- of Job Description
- Implementation of the Code of Ethics
- Understanding the National Quality Framework, the Early Years Learning Framework and the My Time Our Place Framework
- Induction of Educators at the service
- Educator input and feedback regarding the service
- Self-Assessment from Educators, families, and children
- Implementing and having a Reconciliation Plan
- Implementing a Support Inclusion Plan
- Professional Development for Educators
- Support with Individual Performance Plans for Educators
- Support with Individual Appraisals for Educators